Patch 0.2

We got a new update launched today!! PATCH 13/08/2023 


  • Tutorial has been reworked and is now much less punishing!
  • New Tutorial GIFS explain game mechanics! (May need to turn off and on again in settings)
  • Big Optimization Changes ( I am very interested in the kind of FPS you get now!)
  • Limbo dungeon is now easier too!
  • New speedrunning stats displayed for each level!
  • Progress Bar shows you how close you are to completing the Demo.
  • New Ball Trail 


  • Music and SFX shouldn't turn on randomly if its been turned off.
  • Fixed Getting stuck behind a box in the Tutorial!
  • Ball Physics may or may not be the same. (It's been a while so I can't remember)
  • Tutorial tells you the correct keybinds for gamepad now!
  • Other things 

Thanks so much for the feedback we've received so far! Hopefully these changes make life in hell a little easier 🙂 We've got plenty more to come that still needs time in the oven, so keep an eye on this page


Ascending Inferno 547 MB
Aug 14, 2023

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